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Listen to Clean Columbia County, Odd Friday HERE:
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Our mission is to work to preserve the right of citizens as stewards of the commons to live in safe and healthy communities and to ensure a sustainable environment and economy.
Who we are and the Values that Guide our Work
We are citizens of Columbia County. We believe that people and communities have a basic right to healthy environments and economies.
Guiding Principles
Things We Value and Will Work to Protect
Guiding Principles
- Stewards of the Commons. The commons are the glue that holds communities together.
- Basic Citizen Rights. The right of citizens to create a vision for their communities.
- Wise Stewardship. Aspire to evaluate and make good decisions for the long-term, rather than rush decision making, resulting in unanticipated damage and then undertaking restoration after the damage is done.
- Sustainable Communities and Economy. Creating good paying jobs is a laudable goal, but not at the expense of the things we value. The promise of jobs must always be accompanied by a complete analysis of the ecological and economic costs.
- Government Accountability. Hold elected officials accountable to make sure they treat people and the county’s valued attributes as primary.
Things We Value and Will Work to Protect
- Forest, farm and riverfront lands are finite. Economic health is necessary to retain jobs. Environmental health is essential for our quality of life and for the survival of birds, mammals, fishes, reptiles and amphibians that rely on riparian habitats. We can and must be responsible for the health of all flora and fauna in order to maintain a sustainable quality of life in Columbia County.
- We believe when we accept the gifts of our ecosystem such as rich farmlands, forests, fish, clean air and water, we also accept the obligation to manage those gifts for the benefit of present and future generations. These are components of our commons, regardless of public or private ownership. They are beneficial to everyone and everything.
- We will only accept what corporations and the global economy have to offer if it doesn’t put at risk what we value.
Past and Current Actions
- Financially support the appeal of the zone change of more than 800 acres of agricultural lands to industrial at Port Westward. The appeal will be to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). Please donate at The Save Port Westward Indiegogo Campaign
- Write letters and visit with elected officials and legislators about the use of SB 766 to designate Port Westward as a Regionally Significant Industrial Area. Our position is that it is unethical to submit an application to the state for this designation while the rezoning of these agricultural lands is being appealed to LUBA.
- Actively participate in Power Past Coal in many forms and forums.
- Participate in public forums to educate and provide community input.
- Educate and disseminate information on current issues to ensure health and safety of our community.
- Study new approaches to assert right of citizens and nature to exist in harmony and to create a vision for our communities.
How to Participate
What’s needed is continued commitment, unprecedented level of public education an enthusiasm for innovation, and openness to partnerships that forge connections across boundaries.
Become a supporting member – Join our group of dedicated citizens by attending our monthly meetings
JOIN our email list using google groups
Send email request here
Become a supporting member – Join our group of dedicated citizens by attending our monthly meetings
JOIN our email list using google groups
Send email request here